Kubernetes – Getting ready for CKAD Certification

Although you can refer to the official Kubernetes during the exam, you need to be very fast at completing the tasks.

So it´s important to use aliases and shortcuts, take advantage of the documentation in the CLI (like “kubectl explain” or “–help”) and understand how to update resources.


The “k” alias for “kubectl” is provided. But to spare time, once you are logged in the exam shell, you might additionally need to define other things, like the context switching:

$ alias kn='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace 

$ export now=”--force --grace-period 0”

$ export do=“--dry-run=client -o yaml”

This way, creating a yaml for a pod file becomes a lot easier:

$ k run pod1 --image=httpd:2.4.31-alpine --labels="test=true,tenancy=test" --env tempdir=/tmp $do > pod.yaml

This allows you to edit the file before creating the objects with “k create -f” or “k apply -f“:

$ k create -f pod1.yaml


For example
$ kubectl explain pods.spec.tolerations


After creating a deployment with replicas:

$ kubectl create deploy httpd-frontend --image=httpd:2.4-alpine

you can update the number of replica live :

$ k scale --replicas 6 deployment httpd-frontend

And also, for example, add resources limits:

$ k set resources deploy httpd-frontend --limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi --requests=cpu=100m,memory=256Mi

You can add new labels, like:

$ k label deploy httpd-frontend tenancy=prod

Or ovewrite an existing one:

$ k label deploy httpd-frontend app=frontend --overwrite

ADD environment variables:

$ kubectl set env deployment/registry STORAGE_DIR=/local

Or even directly from a config map or a secret
$ kubectl set env deployment nginx --from=configmap/vars --keys="var1,var2"
$ kubectl set env deployment nginx --from=secret/passwords --keys="pass1

Let´s try for example:

$ k set env deploy httpd-frontend --env var3=344343

Once you have set the environment variable, the pods are terminated and recreated.

So you need to pick a new one to check if the environmente varialbe is there:

if you update the image:

$ kubectl set image deploy httpd-frontend httpd=httpd:2.6-alpine

Afterwards you can add an annotation to the current deployment, to see the information in the rollout history:

$ kubectl annotate deploy httpd-frontend kubernetes.io/change-cause='update image'


Services can also be created with commands, like:

$ kubectl expose deploy redis -n marketing --type=NodePort --port=6379 --name=msg-svc

$ kubectl expose pod redis --port=6379 --target-port=6379 --name=redis-service

this will make Kubernetes create a service for you deployment.

You can also use “create service”:

$ kubectl create service clusterip my-cs --clusterip="None"


$ k create job njob –-image=busybox:1.31.0 $do > job.yaml –- sh -c “sleep 2 && echo done”


You will be asked to check which pods is consuming the most CPU. You can check it out with “top”:

$ k top <podname>


Although deprecated, if you only need a pod with volumes, using the “-o yaml” option will add one for you, that you can later edit.

k run nginx2 --image=nginx -o yaml > lab5.yaml

Of course there´s a lot of lines to clean up, but if you are fast with vim you can make it.

this will run a pod, but you can delete it and keep the file for creating what you need.


You add other stuff in your configuratio in the CLI directly, like:

  • labels
  • environment variables
  • command for your pod
  • service account

k run mypod --image=busybox --labels="tier=msg,review=none" --env VAR1=hello --env VAR2=world –serviceaccount=mysa -o yaml > p.yaml --command -- sh -c "while true; do date; sleep 2; done"

Then you just need to delete the pod “mypod”, edit the yaml file (deleting the “managedFields” sections) and create the pod you need.

This is much better than copying and pasting codes, as you don´t have indentation issues. And you can quickly find the command options at:


On the right side of the docs you always have examples:


You can use “kubectl run” to create pods.

$ kubectl run alpaca-prod --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:blue --labels="ver=1,app=alpaca,env=prod"

But if you want to create a deployment you can´t use run. You will need to use “kubectl create”:

$ kubectl create deploy httpd-frontend --image=httpd:2.4-alpine


Check things are running with “kubectl get”, or describe:

$ K describe po messaging | grep -C 5 -I labels

Pipe commands with grep to avoid scrolling too much. you won´t have time!

Access pods to run commands in the bash:
$ kubectl exec -it sidecar-pod -c sidecar– /bin/sh

And curl service endpoints!


To create a job imperatively, pass the command at the end:

$ K create job neb-new-job –-image=busybox:1.31.0 $do > /opt/course/3/job.yaml –- sh -c “sleep 2 && echo done”

To create a cronjob, you generally need to pass the schedule parameter

$ kubectl create cronjob dice –-image=kodecloud/throw dice –-schedule=”*/1 * * * *”

You can as well create a job out of a cronjob:

$ kubectl create job test-job --from=cronjob/a-cronjob


You should be able to curl your service:

A temporary pod with the nginx:alpine immage running curl would be helpful:

$ kubectl run tmp --restart=Never --rm -i --image=nginx:alpine -- curl -m 5 manager-api-svc:4444

If you can´t curl this way, probably the service is malconfigured..and endpoint missing.

Kubernetes – Namespaces

You can create a single physical cluster as a set of virtual clusters by using namespaces.

After creating you first namespace, for example “my-space”, you can see that, as default, you also have a default namespace as well other others used by kubernetes under the hood:

Namespaces in Kubernetes allow you to group workloads and resources together.

It´s very useful if you have a lot of objects and you want to search or execute operations on some of them according to the purpose.

Namespace don´t provide isolation. By default, pods can access other pods and services in ohter namespaces, but you can isolate them by using network policies too. And also apply resource quotas to them.

You can´t assign nodes and persistent volumes to the same namespaces. This means, for example, that pods from different namespaces can you the same persistence storage.

If you omit the namespace (by using “-n myspace” or “–namespace myspace”), kubernetes will use the default one.

Make sure that users that can operate on a dedicated namespace don’t have access to the default namespace. Otherwise, every time they forget to specify a namespace, they’ll operate quietly on the default namespace.

The best way to avoid this situation is to “seal” the namespace and require different users and credentials for each namespace, like using users and root iwith sudo on your machine.

If you are planning to work with the same namespace for a while, you can defne a context, so you don’t have to keep typing --namespace=ns for every command:

$ kubectl config set-context dev-context --namespace=my-space --user=default --cluster=default
Context "dev-context" created.
$ kubectl config use-context dev-context
Switched to context "dev-context".

it´s good to split complex systems into smaller groups. For example, in a multi-tenant environment (prod-dev-test). And namespaces can help you!

Kubernetes – using the patch command for updates

What´s really cool about kubernetes is that you can update your workloads live.

One kubectl command that definetely might make you achieve things faster is the patch command.

Let´s say you want to add a container to the following deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: dep-to-update
  replicas: 2
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: ngxinx-container
        image: nginx

To add another container you can create a patch file called “redis-patch.yaml”:

      - name: patch-demo-ctr-2
        image: redis

All you need to do then is executing a command like:

$ kubectl patch deployment dep-to-update --patch-file redis-patch.yaml

After running this command, kubernetes will redeploy the updated version.

If you run “k describe pod dep-to-update-3829238kdls” you will see that both containers are created:

If you access the dep-to-update deployment yaml file, you can now see both containers:

Don´t forget to put “spec > template > spec > containers” in the patch file.

The following file won´t be patched:

      - name: patch-demo-ctr-2
        image: redis

Kubernetes – Pods Security Context

A security context allows to control the privileges and access settings for a pod or container.

It allows you to define:

  • permissions to access an object (Discretionary Access Control)
  • security labels (Security Enhanced Linux)
  • privileged and unprivileged users
  • Linux capabilities
  • privilege escalation allowance
  • etc.

As default the containers run the processes as root. This is possible thanks to the container isolation principle.

However, in some circumstances, you might need to use specific rights according to your needs.

If you want to define a configuration for the whole pod, you can edit the security Context section under pod.spec.

In the container section, you also the opportunity to edit it under spec.containers, as you can see in the docs.

The following example shows you both the settings:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: nginx-secure
  name: nginx-secure
  namespace: default
    runAsNonRoot: true
    runAsUser: 1000
    runAsGroup: 1001
    - 1002
    - 1003
  - image: nginx
    name: nginx-secure
  - name: sec-ctx-demo
    image: busybox
    command: [ "sh", "-c", "sleep 1h" ]
    - name: sec-ctx-vol
      mountPath: /data/demo
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
      runAsNonRoot: false
  - name: sec-ctx-vol
    # This AWS EBS volume must already exist.
      volumeID: "3232323"
      fsType: ext4

Kubernetes – Running from a custom Docker image

As I am getting ready for CKA exam, I will show you how to run a pod on Kubernetes starting from the a Dockerfile.

Let´s say we want to create a Node.Js simple server, a simpe app.js file.

const http = require('http');
const os = require('os');

console.log("My node js server is starting...");

var handler = function(request, response) {
  console.log("Received request from " + request.connection.remoteAddress);
  response.end("You've hit " + os.hostname() + "\n");

var www = http.createServer(handler);

Once we have the app.js file, we can create a Dockerfile too:

FROM node:7
ADD app.js /app.js
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "app.js"]

Then we can build the image:

docker build -t node-js-server-image .

Once we have created the image, we need to login to Docker Hub with the “docker login” command, then tag and push our image:

$ docker login

$ docker tag node-js-server-image lauraliparulo/node-js-server-image

$ docker push lauraliparulo/node-js-server-image

Then you can use the image to create a kubernetes pod

$ kubectl run nodejs --image=lauraliparulo/node-js-server-image --port=8080

With “kubectl describe pod node-js” we can find the IP of the exposed pod:

Then we can check the content with “curl”:

Kubernetes – Imperative Job creation

Let´s create a job the imperative way, by using the docker whalesay image:

kubectl create job whalesay --image=docker/whalesay --dry-run=client -o yaml > job.yaml -- cowsay I am going to ace CKAD!

We are using the “dry-run” option to create a yaml manifest without creating the job.

In the last part of the command with add a command for the container, that will be put directly in the manifest.

Once the file is created, we can add parameters like completions, parallelism and backoffLimit under the spec.template section, like this:

Then we need to create the job, by running:

kubectl create -f job.yaml -n <your-namespace>

After a while we can see the pods have been run and completed:

If you inspect the log of one of the pod, you can see the funny whale comics:

kubectl logs whalesay-7h27f


Specifying the restartPolicy is mandatory for a Job.

Notice that:

  • a job is persisted and survives cluster restarts
  • a completed job is kept for tracking purposes

Kubernetes – Resources limits

As containers might be consuming too many compressible resources, such as CPU or network bandwidth. And also incompressible resources, like memory.

Luckily, Kubernetes can access and control the linux cgroups CPU and memory limitations for each pod.

Kubernetes distinguish between “requests” and “limits”, very much like soft/hard limits in linux.

Requests specify the minimum amount of resources that are needed, whereas limits define the maximum amount the containers can grow up to. This means that limits are supposed to be larger than the requests.

The kubernetes schedules assings a pod to a node according to the requests value: only the nodes that can have enough capacity to accomodate the pods are considered for scheduling.

So, basically, the requests sections determines where a Pod will be scheduled.


You can add the specification to your deployment or pod (?) directly with the “set” command:

$ kubectl set resources deployment nginx --limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi --requests=cpu=100m,memory=256Mi

This will awork as a live update and will assign the same values to each container in your deployment.

Your pods will be recreated with the new values.

Resources are always defined in the container section:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: random-generator
  - image: k8spatterns/random-generator:1.0
    name: random-generator
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi

If you omit the resources configuration, default values will be added.

In this case a best-effort strategy will be put in place, which means the pods will have the lowest priority and be killed first, where the node runs out of resources.

You won´t see any entry in the yaml manifest:

Kubernetes – Multi-Containers Design Pattern

A multi-container pod can be defined by the following structural design patterns:

  • init container
  • sidecar
  • ambassador
  • adapter

The are basically best practices and distributed system design patterns.

They contribute to achieving separation of concerns.

Init containers are additional containers used to complete tasks before the regular containers are started in a pod.

For example:

         app: flask
      - name: flask
        image: quay.io/kubernetes-for-developers/flask:0.2.0
        - containerPort: 5000
        - configMapRef:
           name: flask-config
          - name: config
            mountPath: /etc/flask-config
            readOnly: true
        - name: config
            name: flask-config
      - name: init-myservice
        image: busybox
        command: ['sh', '-c', 'until nslookup redis-master; do echo waiting for redis; sleep 2; done;']


A sidecar container is meant to assist the main container with additional functionalities, like intercepting the inbound traffic, or aggregating logs.

The main application container is unaware of the sidecar container.

Let´s consider, for example, a central logging agent.

      - name: cleaner-con
        image: bash:5.0.11
        args: ['bash', '-c', 'while true; do echo `date`: "remove random file" >> /var/log/cleaner/cleaner.log; sleep 1; done']
        - name: logs
          mountPath: /var/log/cleaner
      - name: logger-con                                                
        image: busybox:1.31.0                                           
        command: ["sh", "-c", "tail -f /var/log/cleaner/cleaner.log"]  
        - name: logs                                                    
          mountPath: /var/log/cleaner                                   

In the code about the sidecar container is called “logger-con”

The sidecar container will send the logs to a central logging service, for aggregation purporse.

This would have a huge benefit, as your changes to your central logging policy (for example, a new provider) will only affected the dedicates side container.

This would prevent you from breaking the application containers while performing logging updates.


If the sidecar container is meant to adapt data for the container, it´s called an adapter.

The adapter pattern is about standardizing output from the main application container.

Consider the case of a service that is being rolled out incrementally: it may generate reports in a format that doesn’t conform to the previous version.

Other services and applications that consume that output haven’t been upgraded yet. An adapter container can be deployed in the same pod with the new application container and massage the output to match the old version until all consumers have been upgraded.

The adapter container shares the filesystem with the main application container, so it can watch the local filesystem, and whenever the new application writes something, it immediately adapts it.


It´s a container calling other containers on behalf of the main container.

This allows to have several ambassadors according to protocols or different database types.

For example you might have a Database ambassador for MySql and another one for oracle-db.

It´s a specialization of a sidecar, responsible for hiding complexity and providing interfaces.

Kubernetes – updating strategies

The applications you deploy on Kubernetes will often need updates. Rather than deploying them from scratch again, you can take advantage of different update strategies.

A live update is not trivial, especially if you have interactions between different parts of the system, inter-dependecies among pods, etc.

in many cases you need to keep your applications running also while performing maintenance and upgrading tasks.  After all, it´s what Kubernetes is designed for: providing high availability and reliability.

There ae several updating strategies like:

  • rolling update
  • blue-green deployments
  • canary deployments


With a rolling update strategy, Kubernetes creates a new ReplicaSet, replacing the Replicas one by one. the cluster will be running current and new components at the same time. If the components are backward-compatible, it´s a lot easier of course.

Two strategies possible:

– Recreate , which means killing all the pods before creating the new ones

– RollingUpdate – which guarantees the availability of the service during the update

RollingUpdate is the default strategy and can be tuned to guarantee a minimal and maximal amount of pods available during the update by using the options “maxSurge” and “maxUnavailable”.

The way an update is handled can be defined as a strategy in the spec.strategy section of the deployment manifest, like:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: random-generator
  replicas: 3                            
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxSurge: 1                        
      maxUnavailable: 1                  
        app: random-generator
          app: random-generator
        - image: k8spatterns/random-generator:1.0
            name: random-generator
              command: [ "stat", "/random-generator-ready" ]

Notice that we can use both integer and percentages as value in the options. It means that the following is also valid:



    maxSurge: 25%

    maxUnavailable: 50%

  type: RollingUpdate

You might have to create a temporary compatibility layer, while doing your updates. So Rolling updates is not the answer to more complex architectures.


It consists of preparing a full new version deployment for the whole production environment. So you have a blue old productive environment and a brand new green one ready to be put in place. If you have storage data to carry with you in the new version, you might need additional efforts.

The green deployment doesn´t serve any request, until the staff is confident that it will be working properly. That´s when the blue deployment will be killed and replaced.

Such strategy can be aided by extensions like a Service Mesh or Knative.

A drawback is that it takes double capacity.


A canary deployment is a new version deployment that is only submitted to a subset of users for testing purposes. Only when the subset of new instances will be satisfying, the whole deployment will be replaced.

This technique can be implemented by creating a new ReplicaSet for the new container version, by using a new deployment, with few replicas.

Kubernetes – Logging

The standard error (stderr) and output (stdout) are stored by Kubernetes for every container and can be visualized with the “kubectl logs” command.

Let´s consider for example a simple pod like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: now
    - name: date-pod
      image: g1g1/py-kube:0.2
      command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "while true; do sleep 20; date; done"]

If you run “kubectl logs now” you will see the date:

if you pod is a multicontainer, you need to specify which container do you want to inspect:

For example if you want to check the logs of a container called “background” in  a pod called “webapp”, using the “-c” option:

$ kubectl logs webapp -c background

If your pod is in a deployment:

$ kubectl logs deployment/flask

If you want to stream the log, add the “-f” option:

$ kubectl logs deployment/flask -f

You can as well redirect it in a file.. .also with “tee” for both screen and file:

$ kubectl logs now | tee log.txt

You can check the logs of the previous container with the “-p” options:

$ kubectl logs -p podname

You can also add the timestamp. For example:

$ k run text-pod --image=busybox --labels="tier=msg,review=none" --env VAR1=hello --env VAR2=world -o yaml > p.yaml --command -- sh -c "while true; do echo this is a logging text; sleep 2; done"

Then run:

$ kubectl logs text-pod --timestamps

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